A Browser Source layer will allow you to bring in outside URLs that you’d like to incorporate into your broadcast. Due to the nature of our product, not all URLs will be available to add to your stream as some websites explicitly block the ability to embed their website, or due to the website heavily degrading the performance of your broadcast.
Basic compatibility will require https responses as well as correct headers from the website being requested that notify us it is okay to bring them into the broadcast. Some URLs will also be unavailable due to performance issues.
Adding a Browser Source (Custom URL) to your project is easy. Here’s how:
- Copy the URL for the source you’d like to add
- In Lightstream, click the “Add Layer” button, click on “3rd Party Integrations”, and then select Browser Source
- Paste the URL you copied earlier into the layer’s URL field
Developing a 3rd Party Integration? Here’s our developer guidelines.